Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men

Colin Sansom

We regret to inform you that Chancs' member Colin Sansom died at home on Sunday 5th February 2023 from cancer.

Colin was elected as a member of ‘Chancs’ in the Autumn of 2009, along with me, Clive. For quite some time, men couldn’t get our names right! We were both recruited from a workshop held in the car park of the Catholic Church as part of a Henfield Gardens and Arts weekend.

Colin had become a good dancer in both Cotswold and NorthWest traditions, but after many active years with Chancs, his other hobby, supporting Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, gradually took over his Wednesday nights.

Not all of you will remember Colin, but his contribution to Chancs was significant, and we will miss his dancing and his humour greatly.

Clive - Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men

Colin Sansom 1954-2023