Join Us
If you would like to join us, or even just like to visit to see what it is like, we practice almost every Wednesday at 8.00pm between October and May, at our venue in Henfield, at the Catholic Church Hall, off Church Lane BN5 9PE (see map below).
No experience is necessary at all, and we are happy to train dancers up from scratch. We welcome new dancers at any time during the practice season, but preferably before Christmas if you want to dance out with us in the following year. If you are already an experienced dancer or a musician with relevant experience, then of course you would be welcome too.
For more details email our Bagman, or use the details on our Contact Us page.
The video is one of our own Chanctonbury tradition dances, called the Cricket Dance. Performed here towards the end of one of our annual cycle tours. This is one of the many dances you will learn in your first winter practice season, and be able to dance in public the following summer.
Seen our ad for recruits and want to know more?
What‘s in it for me?
- Fun exercise through the winter.
- Evenings out, and occasional weekend events, through the summer.
- Appreciation by the public! Get a warm feeling!
- Knowledge that you are helping to keep an ancient tradition alive in Sussex.
- The camaraderie of similar-
minded dancers. - Oh, and maybe enjoy a few beers in some great pubs!
Then why not give Morris a try?!
If you are interested in trying Morris dancing you can come along to any practice session (no strings [or bells] attached), although it‘s best to check with the bagman in advance.